Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

School on the horizon

The new building is coming together. It looks beautiful. The new year is fast approching, but I am not getting excited as I usually do. I have not spent hours developing curriculum or reviewing what I have already developed. I don't know what is holding me back, but I am sure when the kids hit the room that I will be energized.

On another topic, I have started editing my novel again. A group of friends have signed up to help edit and revise with me. This is a great way to keep the pressure on to continue doing it.

Reena and I have joined Netflix and we are seeing how that works to get some movies in the flow that were not coming in from my voracious appetite for buying movies.

Monday, August 07, 2006

busy day still going

Today was a very errand-running type of day. Actually it started off with my making a huge push to get the revamped freedmanriles site off the ground. Pretty successful with some minor issues to deal with. I am in the process of editing the pages Adobe puts out for a website of photos to resize the images on the page but not to actually resize them. Some wedding shots are ready. The site still needs work, but it is functional.

Then, I had a 1.5 hour, deeply-needed massage. I feel so much better. Ready for camping next weekend.

I then tried to send a bottle of wine through the mail. Oops. Can't do that. I deposited the marriage lisence in the safe deposit box along with other essentials that we don't need at hand (like passports). Next I stopped by school to get the next year's calendar and chatted with people including Alicia. If you read this A, congrats on the new kitty.

Off to Framingham (a 20 or so minute drive) to pick up a tent that can house both Reena and me this weekend. Luckily there was a FedEx next to the REI, so I shipped my package of glassware.

Back home to work on cleaning and straightening the house. Bedroom is now uncovered. This means that everything in there that had to find a room in my study is now crowding my already-crowded space. Tomorrow is going to be clean study day.

Tonight, after running a few more errands, is get back to revising story night. I have started, but must get through some more notes before I am ready to send out to the readers who will be checking, reading, or just ignoring it.

Oh, and I gotta get dinner.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

new shirt

Here is my new fractal shirt!

Check it out in my store!

Back to norms

Normal is too many things to do.
Normal will be prioritizing those things-all of which are very interesting-and doing things that must be done and things that I really want to do.
One of those is writing.

In the mean time, here are a few picts from the honeymoon. More to follow!