Thursday, July 07, 2011

Some photos

It has been a while. I have photos from my camera and some from my phone.

From my phone:
I was coming home from school one day, and there was a wild turkey walking down the sidewalk a block from our house!
When the family visited Philly, we made a stop in Manyunk (sp?) for dinner. I am always looking at and taking pictures of building details. This one caught my eye.
I finished one year working at Derby Academy and am going to work elsewhere next year. One thing I will miss is Derby's natural setting. I waited for the bus along the ocean's shore where the tides, the atmosphere, and the animals soothed anything the day brought along. I did love the work I did with students and teachers at Derby.
On a walk through campus one day, I happened upon this scene at the cove.
We had quite a run of trouble with the tires on our double stroller. They seem to work now, but it is hard to trust them after all the issues. We love the design of the Phil and Ted's, but the tires blew out too many times to feel completely secure. They, however, do seem to be fixed at this point.
Yard work! Finally got to it. Finally chopped the hedges down to stubs so that I can reshape them from the towering, twenty-foot-tall monsters they had become.
The garden that Rose and I planted (with help from Cassie, Allie, and Rachel) grew. The peas did the best.

The carrots finally started showing their feathery leaves. Lettuce did ok, too. The only ones that have really to get going are the tomatoes.

Dramatic sky and spring seemed to go together. Actually it seemed to rain all the time this spring.One amazing foggy morning on the coast near Derby.
Rose and Reuben interacting.Rose is carrying Polar Bear around in the child carrier. She treats her animals as her own children-feeding them, tucking them in for naps, and even nursing them.

Rose plays guitar with Mike
Reuben hangs out in the Baby Bjorn bouncy seat that have been the best thing for both kids.

Peas appear! They were tasty.

On a walk through the Back Bay, Rose and I stopped at the pond featured in Make Way For Ducklings where the swan boats are pedaled around for tourists.

Rose enjoyed riding the statues of the ducklings and Mrs. Mallard.

Reuben learned how to hold his own bottle!

Rose revisited the sailboat outside the sailing club.

Rose looks at a sleeping fur seal at the aquarium

Where they also have an amazing jellyfish display and a shark petting tank.Post Office Square has a terrific fountain for hot day splashing!

Reena and I took the kids on a walk yesterday. It was drizzling, and fog swallowed the tops of buildings downtown.
We saw fancy boats.
Rose got to drive a bus at the Children's Museum.
She and Reena collected virtual butterflies.
Rose feeds Polar Bear.

Pictures from my camera:

This is a shot of Rose's third birthday party at the park down the street from us. Lots of kids!

The other day, I saw this albino squirrel on the back porch and mimosa tree in our back yard. Haven't seen it since.