Sunday, June 04, 2006

Where is My Plate?

I have not posted for a while due to the inordinate amount of work general stuff to do around here (read that as end of school year reports and routines, wedding planning, new building planning, IT services at school, keeping up with regular chores, etc.) Do not think that I don't have time; I do. However, when I am under great pressure, my free time tends to be filled with mindless things such as solitaire or entering silly graphic contests at Woot(mine is the one with crumpets). And now, my cheese entry. My fractals have suffered similarly with very few out recently, and those I do make are just not making me happy. They have names like green mess and blue monster. Here is blue monster. Imagine a blue tentacled thing coming up from the deep. There is some neat texturing on a higher resolution version, but I am not sure if that came out in this smaller one.

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