Friday, April 20, 2007

and he played with water

An almost surprise visit by J and H with sons R and L was a treat. Found out about this visit while in Seattle, and it was a perfect way to get ready for tomorrow's impending MTEL 4 hour long test for which reporting time is 7:45.Additional: Craig's List is great. I was looking for test prep materials for the next two sections of the MTEL, and there they were sitting on the list for substantially less than new or used prices. Makes me smile. Just got an email from the person and will be arranging to pick up the books. With studying, I may pass these tests. Tomorrow, with no studying, I may or may not. We shall see.


rantingnerd said...

Good luck on the MTEL!

stlbanjo said...

Ended up taking it really close to your place! Done with it! until I take a full day in May :(