Sunday, July 08, 2007

Red Eye!

We took the red-eye from Seattle that got in this morning. I, in fact, do have red eyes from not much sleep and a long drive previous to catching the plane. We drove from Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula to the airport via my sister's house.

Back home now. More to come in some form, but here are a few pics to keep you happy! I discovered that I love starfish.


EmilyG said...

Lovely pics!! Wow! I never new starfish came in such beautiful colors!

stlbanjo said...

yep, I was surprised and fascinated with them. I even stayed out in the sun to try to replicate the reds I saw in some of tide pool critters!

Anonymous said...

That one scene like it might be illegal in a few states.. the pic on the right, I mean. ;-)

stlbanjo said...

I think the law states that you can have as many organisms in the group as you have arms. There were clumps of starfish that numbered in the low teens, though.

rantingnerd said...

Are starfish yummy with cocktail sauce?