Monday, February 13, 2012


Rose, Reuben, and I visited with Liv after school today. What had been a very chilly morning turned into a fairly nice day, so I walked down to Newtowne with Reuben in the double stroller. We met up with Liv, her mother, and her little sister. With our stroller seats facing forward and theirs facing back, the two girls started talking on the way to their house, and the conversation never ended until we left much later in the afternoon. They had a great time with pretend play, music making, and many craft projects. Great thanks to Laura for hosting us and providing a stream of activities for the girls.

Amazingly Reuben, who has had difficulty sleeping with his teeth hurting, zonked out and slept through some pretty raucous play.

Yay to growing friendships, play, and just being in another space.

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