Sunday, July 27, 2008

Full Night's Sleep

I think last night was the first full night's sleep. We've had stretches from midnight to 5 or 5:30, but this was a full 11 to 6. Rose also now grabs both legs with her hands.

The itzbeen is a wonderful tool. The glowing orange buttons have symbols for diaper change, feeding, sleep, and anything you want. The oval button above the readout turns on a flashlight. There is a right/left slider for keeping track of which side a child was nursed. As you can see, Rose went 9 hours between feedings and 8.5 between diaper changes. This is about how long she slept.


EmilyG said...

Go Rose! Hooray!

And by the way: THE CHEEKS!!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of that Barenaked Ladies song: "It's been .... [8 hours since I changed your diaper!]"

Anonymous said...

Where is Dan, since July? Still asleep?