Sunday, July 05, 2009

Big Boom

Reena had a gig at the Danvers Family Festival (originally scheduled for Friday, but due to rain held on Sunday the 5th). Her group was the last to perform before the fireworks, but there were 20 minutes of announcements and other local flavor before the lightshow began. While it was still light out, Noam held the bottle while Rose pounded milk. The Similar Jones friends and family section cheered loudly for them, but we had to sit far back because the volume at the stage was too much for Rose. She jumped into my arms when the band before Reena's got started.
Here, Rose is showing off her coordination--playing with beads around her neck while standing independently. The standing on her own is a new thing.

The fireworks were fun and amusing. The cd soundtrack started skipping, and had to be restarted a few times. There were odd pauses in the show, the explosions stopped, and people chuckled around us as everyone wondered if that was the end.

The traffic getting out was a bit crazy, but Rose zonked out. The jerk who cut the line was cancelled out by the very helpful local who gave us good directions to avoid the major traffic jam.

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