Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The mad dash

I have just finished reading Stones into Schools after having read Three Cups of Tea in preparation for a whole school reading event. The book, newly out, is on a speed read program at my library which means it can only be checked out for one week and is not renewable. I didn't fully grasp this until the two days until due email appeared in my inbox. I have since then become absorbed in reading in a way reminiscent of my childhood. I would disappear into Narnia, Moomin Valley, and many other fantastical or realistic realms only to surface for food, sleep (as necessary), and other necessities. Only when the book was done would I want to go back outside and join the neighborhood games of tag or practice soccer. Books have always been able to draw me in, and it was refreshing to be so deeply immersed in the narrative of how the vision to promote education, and specifically girls' education, to rural Pakistan and Afghanistan has unfolded over time. Both books were beautiful, moving, and inspiring. I highly recommend them.

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