Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Week of Fish and Fish

This week seemed to pass by so quickly and yet take forever. In school, my students probably remember this week as the week that the placid algae eater (see picture of a the pleco's cousin at right) attacked and killed one of its new tank-mates. This was during a read-aloud that was promptly cut short for the nature show. I am not sure that tank is moving with the rest of my classroom materials to the new building next year. I never kept fish as a child, and while I enjoy a nice fishtank in someone else's house or business, I do not like the maintenance and upkeep they require.

And now to fish today. It is a rainy day in Philly, and we are going to the food tasting for the wedding meal. There will be several fish courses as well as some chicken. I imagine I will be stuffed after that. Along the way there is another photographer. Much to be done this weekend, and I still have not even touched my grading.

Why do people misuse apostrophes so regularly? Isn't it another keystroke to put one it? I find they are added incorrectly more often than left out, and this happens most often with plural's. (See that sneaky example of what I am talking about, hmm?)

1 comment:

rantingnerd said...

D00d. Why are you pickin'g on the top comma like that? Comma's are so useful, you get to use them at the top and at teh bottom.

Comma's r0x0r.

<ducks and runs>