Thursday, March 16, 2006

What's in a Group?

In searching for the name for this new fractal, I looked up collective nouns to find what a group of butterflies is called. My instinct was swarm, but that did not sound poetic or reflective of this image. Instead, flight of butterflies sounds much better. Other choices include rabble, roost and flutter. We humans take on collectives of other animals when congregating. A posse is a group of turkeys which accurately describes many groups of people who self describe as a posse. This was a particularly obnoxious group of guys in my highschool who had rather inflated egos. I thought I had escaped them by going to college far away, but one member also went to the same college a year before I did. When I arrived, there was the same arrogant group of guys claiming to be the "posse." I only just found out that they were turkeys.

What other collective nouns describe groups of humans? Do we need new ones to accurately describe our collective actions when in a group? Cattle, kangaroos, and emu gather in a mob; elk, weasels, bison, buffalo, dogs, and turkeys (they keep coming up) are also known in groups as gangs. Shouldn't our gangs really be prides, ambushes, aeries, or batteries? I just get this picture of wanna-be toughs with their in-fashion falling-down pants strutting around like turkeys.

Here is my flight of butterflies. They are fluttering through sunbeams and something that looks like webs in the background, but I did not see this as sinister. Just a more gentle and beautiful image than I normally go for.


EmilyG said...

Beautiful fractal, Dan!

Um, here's a few...

A potluck of lesbians
An ignorance of medical students

stlbanjo said...

great word- potluck. I think it applies to contradancers as well.


rantingnerd said...

A stack of hackers.
A heap of coders. geek humor....