Friday, January 30, 2009

Weights, colors, and more ice!

Today, I went on a walk to do some errands. Rose in the stroller, we navigated our way around the local businesses. Ice is still everywhere, and especially with all the melt run-off and night time freezing, it is quite slick out there. I do love the patterns and forms that ice makes. Endless varieties.
This is our driveway. Snow melts and runs into the sidewalk and any shoveled area we have created. We now have a two inch thick pad of ice slowly moving its way down our property. It is the Freedman-Riles glacier!
I know many of my recent posts have been about ice and snow. Winter here is quite intense. However, today I noticed the leaf buds swelling on some trees. Well, I didn't see the swelling happen, but they are bigger than they were before. Spring will happen. I can't wait to see the first shoots of crocuses poke through soil and any remaining snow to paint the dull landscape with fresh bursts of color.
I visited a local Goodwill today to check out baby clothes. I love how they organized the woman's section by color. It is a palette in fabric.
Today, Rose hung out with me in her bathroom as I filled the humidifier tanks. We have a weight to keep the door open when the windows are open (not for a while has that happened!). Rose decided to pump some iron.


Unknown said...

Go baby gym rat!

I like your Freedman-Riles glacier, as long as it doesn't come to my driveway.

stlbanjo said...

I have chopped the glacier apart for now. It has already started reforming, but it is only a film of ice rather than a continent changing mass.