Sunday, February 11, 2007


What fun. Gigantic forms so much bigger than life. Hollywood expressed as it wishes to be seen. IMAX theaters really let you get into a picture. I was struck by the visuals of the opening credits of Night at the Museum. They were computer graphics that took various perspective angles as if they were solid forms floating in space amongst the museum displays. In the IMAX, they were outstanding. The seat rumbling with deep bass sounds was entertaining, too. All told, seeing Stiller and Williams do their things was a wonderful reintroduction to the living world outside my apartment. The 3-D clip before the movie was mesmerizing, too. The group that went consisted of 6 people of whom 5 were teachers. It was amazing how many of the lines translated to what we often want to tell kids. At one point Robin Williams admonishes Ben Stiller who wants to hit the animated monkey, "Remember who is evolved." I know this movie got poor reviews, but I enjoyed the silliness and fantasy of it.

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