Sunday, March 11, 2007

Shifty Eyes

Jeff Goldblum was a favorite actor of an ex of mine and is one of the only positive things to come out of that relationship. His earlier and more entertaining stuff such as Buckaroo Banzai, Earth Girls Are Easy, The Tall Guy, and The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish make for entertaining viewing. The thing that grabbed me is that he shifts his eyes back and forth when perplexed, and as his roles are often that of a scientist or other smart guy trying to solve a problem, we get to see many signature Goldblum eye actions.

While at the concert last night in which Reena rocked the house in the opening number, I happened to see some graffiti in the men's room (not while Reena was singing.) I had to snap it with my phone-cam. Upon completing some internet research, it seems that this is a phenomenon that has been going on for some time and there are whole sites devoted to it. How strange, and how like Jeff Goldblum in a strange way.

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