Sunday, March 22, 2009

a very long backup

Often, I stop my computer backup mid-stream thinking that the once in a while that I let it go the whole night does the trick. However, I decided to let it finish, and found it wanted to go for over three days. Much slower than copying the files, but perhaps the software knows best (humph). I did stop it after two days because I had no way of knowing where in the process it was. I started a new backup, and it gave me a status bar and a file count. That went on for quite a while, but it finally did finish. yay. I didn't want to mess with the machine while it was toiling away, so no blog posts for that time.

Here are some images and video to make up for the long delay (for the people out there who check this thing).
Thursday's walk took me by the same iced part of the reservoir. Winter has receded to only the shaded north bank of this pond.
My backup that took for ever.
Rose in her natural state
Rose in her natural habitat. She pulls clothing from the bins and tosses it around the floor.
Rose is a critic during writing group. She tried to eat Carol's work.
Legs are a little too short to reach the ground on this truck.
The joy of swinging.
On the ground. Rose crawled around, picked up a small stone which I kept from her mouth, and then managed to get a bit of twig in her mouth when I wasn't looking. Had to sweep it out with a finger when I got home and noticed she was chewing.


Will said...

Do you have anti-virus software running? If so, turn it off while you back up. You may see a rather dramatic difference.

stlbanjo said...
