Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tuesday is Art Day

Tuesday night is art class night, so I am back from art class. The group presenting today was mixed media. There were three stations featuring wax painting, paper mache, and batique. All three projects were very classroom friendly, and I hope to get at least one of them in the room this year. All three definitely next year.

This is a picture of the wax melting apparatus for the wax painting. Paraffin wax was melted in the foil container, and crayons were melted on the hot plate surface. We used mini canvases to play with the technique. Lots of fun and bright colors. The paraffin in the tray slowly got colored and repeated dipping of the canvas gave the work a translucent coating on top.
Here are my three wax paintings and my batique. The resist for the batique was school glue gel which washes out with soapy water. It was very easy, and the results were quite nice.
Our final project of the evening was a construction with any or all of the techniques presented. This is a structure created from cutting and folding a piece of stiff cardstock. I then encased it in plaster of paris bandages, covered that with tissue paper, and attached some string. The base of the board is covered with paper pulp.

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