Thursday, April 09, 2009

wiki and water

This evening, I went to UMASS Boston and taught a lesson on using a wiki in the classroom to a group of graduate level teachers. I love the location on the bay with tidal flats exposed at low tide, seagulls swooping about, and water moving in the way that mesmerizes me. It brought calm to me. One thing it helped moderate was the missing iPod that disappeared from my desk.
This is a view of the campus center from the bay and through the trees.
There were some sycamore trees with the lovely patched bark that is typical of the tree. I took some photos and admired them as I ate dinner.
Somebody said,


Unknown said...

Pretty shot of sky & water (mud flats) & chain-linked posts along the edge.

stlbanjo said...


EmilyG said...

*love* that sycamore shot!