Sunday, February 05, 2006


Well, I guess there is a silent readership, or this is just a conversation between JD and me. Either way, I will still forge ahead as if many people were reading. Happy Birthday JD. Here is a cake.

Probably not the one you were looking for nor as tasty as Anna's.

I just Googled (with Firefox) myself, and my blog doesn't even show up. A link from Alis's shows me as well as a mention of the upcoming dance in St. Louis celebrating my upcoming wedding. The remaining links are interesting stratigraphy--Broadside Electric, Community School, Acumen Consulting, and even my foray into speleology. The Dan Riles in New Jersey wrestling, however, is not me.

In other news, since the fractal tee-shirt that I ordered was so-so in quality, I have removed most of the fractal clothes and just left the print items on for those. However, the spirograph tee was great, so I went ahead and added a section for all spirograph designs for tees. The organic cotton shirt is a nice beige color. I am now working on some fractals that should work better on fabric. They are simpler. Here is one called Simple Green. If I ever get famous, I can be sued by a cleaning solution manufacturer.


Tim said...

I found your blog from accessing your profile from the comment you left on mine.

You said you were new to blogs so I suggested you start one up!

Looks like you're off to a good start. I think images really complement blogging.

I've added your RSS to my bookmarks so I can check back in.

I like your flexible mission statement up in the title section. It's good to keep things open so you can write about anything that interests you.

And thanks for the link! One of these days I'm going to add all the fractal blog links I know of to my blog and I'll be sure to include yours.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed: a silent, and yet non-zero readership! Some of us simply have nothing to say. Happy Birthday JD. Belated Happy Birthday Dan!
Broadside Jim

stlbanjo said...


Hi Jim, thanks Tim. It is good to know that others are reading and enjoying.
