Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow and Deep Sea

Today snow fell, and blew, and drifted, and fell some more. It was a lazy day, as snow often makes the day feel. Besides shoveling twice, I lounged and read most of the day. A little fractal work, some web browsing, and back to reading. Oh, I ate as well. A very basic day.

My accomplishments:
I re-read Ringworld (or find it on Bookfinder for less) for mental fluff and fun. Hadn't read it in ages. Here is a very small image of the cover I have that Blogger resized beyond its resolution.

I added another fractal to the store. This one reminds me of a deep sea jellyfish, glowing and pulsing and waiting for prey. The blues and greens surrounding the glowing figure have some neat sworls and accents.

And then there was snow, and more snow. I shoveled, I watched it, and I still have snowflakes that I scanned!

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