Wednesday, December 21, 2005

To-do List? What to-do list?

Here is the first fractal that I created and liked. I call it Midnight Flares.

Well, I never seem to stick to the list that I make. There are so many items on the list, and others take priority. Let me see: clean the car-nope, call artisan-yep, straighten office-pretty much (there were so many piles!), secondary school recs-nope. "What did I do?" you ask. Well, I went on a walk to Porter Square to do some shopping for odds and ends. I came away with the odds. Several things on the shopping list were not available. The frame store did not sell matte board. I got the frame but will have to go somewhere else tomorrow to get a matte. I also did odds and ends around the house. Tonight, I made an inventory of the Atrium School for our building planning for next year in a new building. I created a basic website that I can use in the meeting tomorrow with the building committee.

"What else?" You ask. Spirograph, of course. I am really enjoying this simple use of plastic wheels and cogs. Next year when I teach least common multiple and greatest common divisor, out comes the set. The number of points on each pattern is the number when multiplied by the wheel's teeth yields the LCM of the wheel's teeth and the cog's teeth. "Bleargh," you say in disgust. Well, ok. Here is another one.

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