Friday, December 30, 2005

Still Not My Usual Bed Time!

Well, it seems that vacation bedtime can be pushed a little later than normal.

Today was packed! We drove out to Bloomingdale's to try to finish up our registry. There was an unhelpful staff in the kitchen wares, but that was made up for by the great help we got in bedding. A few more things to pin down, and the registry goes live! Yay.

On the way to school, I stopped to get gas. Thank you attendant for noticing my sticker was due at the end of this month (i.e. tomorrow). He informed me that points on the license and a $50 fine would be the penalty for not renewing, so my day's plans were rearranged. Points in Massachusetts lead directly to quite the increase in insurance.

I then went to school to water the landfills. The students will have one opportunity to make a final observation of these science experiments before they and their associated new life forms are carried out and pitched unceremoniously in the dumpster.

Next, I waited for some time in a line at an auto inspection site. Seems like others either forgot and were reminded or were just waiting for the last moment. Luckily, the whole thing only took about 1.5 hours of waiting and then inspection. I only had to have the safety inspection. My car emissions were checked last year.

That done, I headed over to Harvard Square to do errands. I stopped by an art store to pick up a matte board to frame my cave map that Bob Osburn gave me last time I visited him. I stopped by the Museum of Useful Things(site has issues) to pick up some First Night buttons. I then went to a camera store to check out if my lenses would fit on the new digital Canons. They do! I am getting closer to breaking down and getting one. I also plan on getting a small camera to carry around with me to take pictures of daily life and patterns. Last I got this week's comics at Million Year Picnic. (I still can't find their website!)

Home again, home again, jiggity jig. I came home and after a brief repast of mac and cheese, I started my work. It is truly recommendation time, and I again was frustrated by filling out the same form many times. I decided to learn Word forms and devoted many hours to creating an as exact replica of the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE) form that I fill out for math and English for my students. It will simplify my job and shorten my work in the long run, but it was a huge endeavor to do tonight. I am glad it is finished. Tomorrow, I will reap the benefits of my work.

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