Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Today's List

-Clean the Car. It must happen today. Also, install wiper blades in hopes of not just smearing rain and winter muck around on my windshield.
-More research on exercise bikes.
-Call the last artisan on the list. Robinson Studios. Lovely pottery that Reena has been buying for several years. This is one of their plates. Why two different potters? Well, we are getting one set of meat and one set of dairy plates.
-Straighten my office. There are piles everywhere!
-Start writing secondary school recommendations for 6th graders. I really want to get this one off my plate for the rest of vacation.

If I get all that done, I can refer back to my massive to-do list for other things to keep me happy. Here's another spirograph to keep you happy. If you see an image that I have made and want a higher res copy, please email me for it. (Fractals, Spirographs, etc.)


Anonymous said...

Hi, Dan!!

I love your spirographs!

A comment on exercise bikes - do you already have a regular bike? I got gloomy when the snow and ice and dark started keeping me from commuting to work on my bike (which I'd been doing through the fall), so I bought an indoor trainer to hook my bike up to. It works really well and it was only something like $160 through an ebay store. The brand is CycleOps, which seems to get good reviews.


stlbanjo said...

Thanks Em! I am doing much research. I am inclined to get a recumbant bike to ease my back while exercising. Also, the magnetic resistance bikes are super quiet. Frills of life, I know, but if I use it, it will be worth it.
