Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

A very long and productive day. Reena found her dress, and it is beautiful. We then went on a mad mall spree seeing 6 malls by the end of the day. O.K. The last two were downtown avoiding the wet, cold snow, but during the day, we went in a big loop starting with the dress shop, going to the Walking Company to exchange some two-year-old but never worn insoles, Bed Bath and Beyond to get another set of flatware and a bagel slicer, Macy's once more for registry, Sports Authority to see the exercise bikes (none yet), and Pier 1 to try to find the blue spiral glasses we have but have been discontinued.

Tonight, we heard Odetta at the first night celebrations. I have loved her music since I found it in the record stacks in University City Public Library. I spent many hours in that library reading, but they also had a super collection of records that I began exploring in middle school. Leo Kottke, Odetta, Grateful Dead, and much more came home each week to be heard when no one else was home or through an enormous pair of headphones. I am very happy to finally have seen such an icon of folk music and a true living spirit. Reena and I wandered around a little after that, saw some ice sculptures, ate some over-priced food, and headed home. The New Year's moment happened on the T near Porter Square.

Ciao and good night.

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