Sunday, January 01, 2006


Today was one of those days that as a twenty year-old would have put me in a deep funk. As it was, I was just blue for most of the day. Perhaps it is not getting some of the important things done on my list, perhaps other stuff buzzing around. I just wait it out and tomorrow will be better. I did finish my last recommendation letter, and now all I have to do is fill in the forms which I have made electronic. Pretty easy sailing hopefully.

Reena and I went to several exercise equipment stores to look at bikes. None fit our needs fully, though there was one with a great back (recumbent). It was a self generating one that made more noise than we were willing to put up with, so we will contact the manufacturer, SportsArt, and see if some Frakenstein adaptation of their cycles is possible. The C51 is silent, and the backs of the c52 and C53 are super. They come on the same frame, so it could be possible... We shall see

I then went to Staples to get a few essentials, and came home to do some work for school. Instead I vegged and funked. Blah.

Reena pulled me out of this bad mood by being very supportive and sweet. After some food and, yes, some Stargate, I went back to my room and worked on the recommendations.

Then some Shakespere program on PBS, and I went back to my study to play with fractals. I have not done much of that since golden fiddle. I am rendering what I have accomplished today so far in my new one called "Sea Vortex." Hope you enjoy.

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