Monday, January 02, 2006

A Full Day is a Nibble

Today was that frenzied rush at the end of vacation to do all of the "must-do" items on the to-do list. Yep, that didn't happen. I finished the recommendations which is a huge relief. I looked over some curriculum and ordered some materials for our next units in writing and in theme (sweatshops and clothing). I washed dishes, took out trash and recycling, did laundry, cleaned house, and a myriad other things. My shortened list did not get accomplished, but here it is past 11:00 and I must go to sleep to get up tomorrow and fight my way through the snow to school.

Here is the plan: each evening, I shall work a little on the list and see if I can catch up to the adding of things to it. That would feel great--improbable as it is.

I ran across some photos from U. City High School days. That would be '89. Hey Aaron. Still making pottery? Hey Lisa, wassup? Not looking to interested in what is going on here!

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